Scabies; how you get it and how to get rid of it
Scabies mites are infesting people all over the world. Once the scourge of people living in congested, substandard housing were the main victims of this invisible-to-the-naked-eye mite that lives under the skin causing intense itching and discomfort to the human host.
But now they are everywhere, even in rest homes and hospitals!
So how do you catch scabies?
It can be something as simple as a handshake with an infested person, most often it will be from direct contact with someone who has them, but It could also have been from staying in accommodation or sitting on an upholstered chair where a previously infested person had slept or sat.
Scabies are also commonly transferred from one person to another during sex.
Why are Scabies such a problem?
They have become a problem because most of the conventional treatments; synthetic pyrethrins, benzyl benzoate, lindane, crotamiton, organo-phosphate chemicals malathion as well as the neurotoxin permethrin and oral ivermectin are no longer effective because scabies mites have developed resistance to these treatments.
This is why scientists have been looking for new ways to treat scabies and have discovered that tea tree and manuka essential oils are very effective in eliminating this common parasite.
Quite simply, we know the products we have developed are effective. We guarantee its success and you can find it here: https://www.manukanatural.com/scabies-treatment/
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