How You Can Live Longer with Manuka Honey
Why do wealthy people live long and live strong with dignity? | Money vs. honey
One of the great mysteries of the modern age: Why do wealthy people live longer than middle-class people?
Live long, live strong, some might say.
The conventional answer to this question has been that wealth and social status mean greater access to medical care.
But even ten years ago, the available answers seemed inadequate. If access to medical help was the key, then one would have expected the health gap between upper and lower classes to disappear with the development of programs like Britain’s National Health Service or America’s Medicare. Let’s not forget to mention employer-sponsored health insurance.
Wealthy men and women generally have eight to nine
more years of “disability-free” life after age 50 than
poor people do. (1)
National Geographic explorer Dan Buettner has traveled the globe to uncover the best strategies for longevity found in the Blue Zones: places in the world where higher percentages of people enjoy a remarkably long life.
Buettner’s research effort, funded by the National Institute on Aging, has taken him from Costa Rica to Italy to Japan and beyond.
In the societies he visited, he saw how people interact, shed stress, nourish their bodies, and view how their world yields more good years. For example, you’ll meet a 94-year-old farmer and self-confessed “ladies man” in Costa Rica.
Then, you’ll meet a 102-year-old grandmother in Okinawa, and a 102-year-old Sardinian who hikes at least six miles a day.
But also, you shouldn’t be shocked with a 77 Hunza guy from Northern Pakistan whose wife gave him a healthy son last spring.
By observing their lifestyles, Buettner’s team has identified critical everyday choices and distilled them into a few simple but powerful habits that anyone can embrace.
But what about people that live long and to the full in modern surroundings?
Live long, live strong, live freely
You heard it many times before the story about overcrowding the planet.
As economists say, too many people would burden the economy.
And that’s why although it seems different, no one is actually forcing to improve human health and longevity.
But I believe that many forgot the basic definition of human health.
I know that there are better ones, but the definition of the World Health Organization says that health is the following: is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease. And before that?
Health is freedom!
Wealthy people never do it like this
One Hippocratic thought says: no disease is suddenly arising. The condition is, in fact, a process in which we make mistakes against our bodies.
And the mistakes accumulate. But unfortunately, in many cases, there is no happy ending.
If I set the Hippocratic thought in the modern aspect, I could compare it with careless car owners.
You don’t do service; you don’t change the oil but the car drives.
You don’t change the belt and the spark plugs; the car still goes.
Over time, the vehicle barely drives but still goes.
One day when the car stops and you drive it to a repair shop, the mechanic tells you: there is nothing more here except changing all (death).
Even if you maintained it regularly, the question remains about the quality.
I mean, if you drive that car on bad roads use suspicious quality oil… the car will over time, fall apart.
It’s not a much different story with people.
Despite the recent claim by Dong et al. that the human lifespan is limited to 115 years, many people (over 90%) do not live as much. (2)
Living into old age also depends on other factors (stress, infection, various injury).
The surprise for the most would be the statement that we do not have to age.
I know that many will think that my bee stories finally hit my head. I know how funny it may sound.
But we can stay relatively preserved without the issues that aging brings.
To grow old but healthy and why not strong.
What is a telomere and why is it important for living long and strong?
If you’ve never heard of them, telomeres are the ends of chromosomes. Every time a cell divides, a piece of youth disappears.
So whenever you have a health problem, the body compensates for it and regenerates.
But it compensates on account of the telomeres. So it shortens them over time. When telomeres wear out, that’s it … the end!
People with shorter telomeres live shorter and thus age faster, getting various diseases earlier. When the telomeres are shortened to a critical length, cell divisions are stopped to prevent genomic instability, called cell aging.
So, the aging process also progresses by accumulating old cells in the body.
Dr. Blackburn and Dr. Elissa Epel’s research (THE TELOMERE EFFECT) points that the length of one’s telomeres is a biological underpinning of the long-hypothesized mind-body connection. They and other scientists have found that changes we can make to our daily habits can shield our telomeres and increase our health spans (the number of years we remain healthy, active, and disease-free).
We can slow down telomere wear with simple things (physical activity, brisk walks, antioxidants, less stress).
These are, in fact, things that every average person has known since elementary school.
And as the world recounted what was best and to what extent, something revolutionary emerged in preserving and prolonging telomeres (life).
How can I increase my telomeres?
A few years ago, a clinical study was completed in considerable secrecy. The studies were conducted in Japan and the USA.
In these studies, participants took a simple compound called NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide). This is a new longevity ingredient that your MD probably doesn’t know about. But Harvard anti-aging researchers believe NMN is a crucial part of the puzzle of elongating healthspan.
There are many studies on research with mice and numerous anecdotal with humans.
One report may be fascinating. It is a report about one man who biologically aged BACKWARDS from 70 to 44 years old in 8 months. (3)
Read biologically, not chronologically.
Sounds too good to be true? Right?
It caught me out of belief guard as well, but you can find all kinds of studies (if you know where to look) and see it for yourself.
The story’s point is that this NMN compound extended the aforementioned telomeres.
What is even more interesting about this?
This ‘invention’ is not much published, not much published at all! And the crazy thing is that it comes from the vitamin B3 family.
One would now expect that after such discovery (which in my opinion is revolutionary), pharmaceutical companies would throw out thousands of these compounds so that everyone will be able to use them?!
But no! Apparently, it was kept as a secret. It’s reserved for a specific circle of people, isn’t it!?
What else can help me to live long and live strong?
Take, for example, another compound you’ve probably heard of. It’s called resveratrol.
Resveratrol is a beneficial phenol found in red wine associated with longevity and other valuable properties of wine.
It is beneficial in preventing cardiovascular disease, but prevention of aging is at the forefront.
How does resveratrol affect aging?
There is a narrow link between resveratrol and mitochondria.
Mitochondria are the primary metabolic centers of human cells, producing more than 90% of the human body’s energy to survive.
As we age, a lot of damage occurs within every mitochondrial cell.
“During aging, damaged mitochondria that produce less ATP and more reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulate. The current consensus is that ROS cause oxidative stress, damaging mitochondria and resulting in an energetic crisis that triggers neurodegenerative diseases and accelerates aging.” (4)
Resveratrol is a compound that can destroy old mitochondria. In this way, the organism is rejuvenated.
In order not to go any further, I will say that there is a vast network of research on resveratrol and its effect on the preservation of life.
In India, the pharmaceutical company Sirtris privately conducted a 28-day Phase 1b study, announced at the 2008 Investors Conference. However, this study has never been published in any peer-reviewed scientific journal despite being mentioned in review articles.
I bet you will find interesting a study where the bees were fed with resveratrol. In this research, resveratrol prolonged lifespan in wild-type honey bees under normal oxygen conditions. In addition, it lengthened the maximum and median lifespan. (5)
So there is a pervasive network of research in this direction. However, it is mainly inaccessible to ordinary people. Rarely does someone talk about it in the media that the ordinary person follows daily.
Currently, in the USA, the main thing is the transfusion of young people’s blood to old, rich people. Young men aged 20+ give blood to the elderly. And that should not be surprising because young people’s blood is full of hormones and other compounds that stimulate vitality.
Therapy costs about $ 8,000. The following study shows that this is possible. (6)
In addition to everything I have mentioned so far, I would like to add stem cells and placenta to the list.
We may refuse it to believe, but there is a hidden medicine that we don’t see – medicine for the rich ones.
4% of people suffer from cancer. Not among the rich ones.
Maybe I’m wrong, but very few
rich men died of cancer in the last 20 years.
Wealthy people all live an unusually long 95+.
It is not unusual to live so much, but remaining healthy and vital in the modern world is highly unusual.
It seems that rich people know something we don’t, right?
I have to say this bothers me. So, here’s how my little helpers can help you even though you’re not wealthy. Or maybe you are?!
ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED on blog.manukanatural.com
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