Superflex V Advanced Dog Formula
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Shipped directly from New Zealand
Order now and receive the freshest product shipped directly to you from New Zealand.
Superflex-V is a proven natural remedy for osteo-arthritis and joint pain in dogs of all breeds and ages.
Scientific evidence proves that deer velvet antler and NZ greenshell mussel supplement is both safer and more effective treatment for osteo-arthritis and joint pain in dogs than the use of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s)
But first let’s look at the problem, the scientific evidence and the simple natural solution.
Is Your Dog Beginning to Show These Signs?
• Reluctance to walk, climb steps or stairs, jump or play
• Limping
• Lagging behind on walks
• Difficulty getting up after resting
• Yelping with pain when touched
• Personality changes e.g. aggression, or becoming withdrawn
Over 15 million dogs in USA alone are currently suffering from osteo-arthritis; their joints are stiff and painful every time they want to move.
Veterinarians report that osteo-arthritis affects over 80% of older dogs and dogs of larger breeds and while it is more common in susceptible breeds where the incidence of arthritis, hip dysplasia and congenital joint disease is most common it can affect dogs of all shapes and sizes, breeds and ages.
It is well known that non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s) can cause serious side effects and death in dogs following the class action lawsuit against the Pfizer Company’s Rimadyl product.
The US FDA has forced the manufacturers of Rimadyl to carry a label warning that it could cause death in dogs. There are many other brands of NSAID’s which also carry warnings about the risk of serious side effects.
Deer Velvet Antler is Approved by the US FDA
In 1999 the use of deer velvet antler was scientifically supported in compliance with FDA regulations for its ability "to support healthy joint structure and function".
According to veterinarian Dr. Cathy Alinovi “Every time a veterinarian prescribes any NSAID, that dog is at risk of intestinal, kidney and even liver damaging side effects.
The realisation that NSAID’s could no longer be trusted to provide risk free anti-inflammatory action and pain relief had created a market for a safe product for relieving pain and enhancing joint health in dogs, cats and for human use.
Deer Velvet Antler
The use of Deer Velvet Antler is not new, in fact it has been one of the most revered natural products in Oriental medicine alongside Ginseng for over 2000 years.
It is just not as well known in the West, but that is changing quite rapidly now as scientific studies have proven its effectiveness and enlightened veterinarians have reported positive results and a total absence of negative side effects.
The primary active ingredient in the product Superflex-V is elk antler velvet which has been the subject of extensive study and has been approved by the FDA.
Other ingredients are New Zealand Greenshell Mussel, Chondriotin and Ginseng.
In 1999 the use of velvet antler was scientifically supported in compliance with FDA regulations for its ability "to support healthy joint structure and function".
University and Animal Hospital Studies
Study 1
The University of Montreal (Quebec, Canada), February 2004:
Maxim Moreau, Jacques Dupuis, Norbert H. Bonneau, Manon Lecuyer: The findings were published in the Canadian Veterinary Journal. The Canadian Veterinary Journal, published by the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, is the 'voice of veterinary medicine in Canada'.
A powder of elk velvet antler was evaluated on client-owned dogs with osteo-arthrosis in a clinical, double-blind, and placebo-controlled study. Thirteen dogs received a placebo for 30 days and then velvet antler for 60 days. Twenty-five other dogs received velvet antler for 60 days.
Gait analysis measured with a force plate, clinical signs assessed by an orthopedic surgeon, performances in daily life activities and vitality assessed by the owners, and complete blood analyses were obtained at days 0, after 30 days of placebo and/or 60 days of velvet antler.
On placebo, the 13 dogs did not show significant improvement (P > 0.05); however, their gait, their performances in daily life activities, and their vitality were significantly improved on elk velvet antler, based on changes in values exceeding those observed when placebo was administered. The 25 dogs on elk velvet antler for 60 days showed similar improvements. No clinical changes were revealed on blood analyses. Administration of velvet antler was effective in alleviating the condition in arthritic dogs.
Study 2
Douglas County Animal Hospital in conjunction with the University of Minnesota:
This Velvet Antler Clinical Trial was conducted by Glen Zebarth, DVM, and Rebecca Laton, DVM, of the Douglas County Animal Hospital in Alexandria, Minnesota, in conjunction with the University of Minnesota. Trial Completion Date: 5-30-07
A clinical field trail was conducted in dogs diagnosed with traumatic and/or degenerative joint disease of one or multiple joints diagnosed by physical examination, including range of motion evaluations and radiographs. Joints evaluated included hip, stifle, shoulder, carpus, and elbow.
Seventy limbs in 45 dogs were analyzed based on nine areas of mobility-related criteria; each limb was scored from one (no signs) to four (severe) at trial initiation, six weeks and 12 weeks. Mobility and systemic effects using hematological tests, veterinarian assessment and owner perceptions were measured.
According to a Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Non-Parametric statistical analysis performed by Dr. Carl Jessen, University of Minnesota, dogs treated with Velvet Antler supplement statistically improved.
All trial animals exhibited significantly improved range of motion and orthopaedic scores in the areas of walking, trotting, running, and climbing stairs.
The vast majority of these dogs exhibited extreme signs of improvement at the 6 week and the 12 week examinations. Individual joints were analyzed; results show a statistical improvement in shoulder pain and movement, stifle pain and movement, and hip pain and movement.
What Veterinarians say about Deer Velvet Antler
Veterinarians have reported that over 85% of older dogs responded positively, while one university study concluded that every one of 42 dogs in a study displayed improved joint function after taking Velvet Antler for 30 days.
Vet Report 1
“An old friend introduced me to this fabulous product and managed to convince me ‘to give it a try!’ I tried it on Dougal, an 8 ½ year old Labrador with severe conformational problems and advanced osteoarthritis of both elbows. More than 24 months of continual therapy had produced variable relief. Within 2 weeks of starting Deer velvet antler-V, Dougal’s owner reported that Dougal had started to look forward to his walks, seemed brighter and she had even seen a little skip and a jump in his walk. Dougal’s improvement prompted his owner to insist that I obtained further product just for Dougal”.
Vet Report 2
“In another case, Tamdugh was a 13 year old Labrador Cross with generalised osteoarthritis and a bad attitude. Tamdugh had been on and off therapies for 7 months, which offered only temporary relief and did nothing for his intermittent stumbling over his hindlimbs or his bad attitude. Tamdugh’s owners reported that within 14 days of starting Deer velvet antler, he was ‘moving like a pup, playful and demanding his walks.’ No longer was his bad attitude a concern.
After conducting five separate ‘trials’ on patients, I became hooked on the usefulness of this new found dietary supplement and thus committed to become more involved in its mystic mechanisms and uses. After all is said, it is the patient response and their owner’s complete joy in the visual benefits that has cemented my belief in this product.”
- G. Baitz (BVSc) MRCVS MASFM, Esher, United Kingdom
You owe it to your dog to give him or her the best quality of life possible with Superflex-V Advanced Formula for Dogs.
60 chewable tablets – 20 days supply for a large dog, 60 - 90 days supply for smaller dogs according to their weight.
Order now and receive the freshest product shipped directly to you from New Zealand.